It is now twenty years since the appearance of the first experimental version of a machine to facilitate the re-tubing of mussel seed.
Back then, it was the idea of using a tubular net, which enabled us to reach our goal -the mechanisation of the re-tubing process using a fairly rudimentary device.
Nowadays, a high rate of productivity can be achieved as regards the basic tasks of de-clumping, grading and re-tubing thanks to improved machinery. We strive to continue making improvements to our machinery with the sole aim of facilitating the work of mussel producers world-wide.
We make the whole process easier with our retubing machines, de-clumping, tables, belts, weighers and hoppers.
We serve clients locally, nationally and internationally, to whom we give a professional, close and familiar service.
Since our beginnings we have wanted to facilitate the arduous tasks of the hard men and women of the sea, and we have done so by developing, building and improving our machines and seeking optimal solutions to the problems that the mussel industry around the world.
We sell our machines in different countries in Denmark, United Kingdow, Ireland, Sctotland, France, Italy, Norway, Germany, this allows us to assure you reliable and proven machines, with a high degree of profitability and efficiency. Trust our experience and purchase our products, we are backed by the trust and loyalty of a large portfolio of clients, both in Spain and abroad, who continue to trust us year after year.

Contact / Workshop
If you wish to contact us, you can do so via regular mail at the following address:
Talleres Aguín S.L.
C/ Ardia, 178
36989 O Grove (Pontevedra) – Spain
Or you can call us at:
(+34) 986733842 – (+34) 986731091
If you wish to contact our company via e-mail: maquinaria@aguin.com